Non-exhaustive list
- 22 May 2024, Studium generale, Marburg University (remote): Klimawandel – Risiken und Chancen für die menschliche Gesundheit
- 24 April 2024, ISIMIP/PROCLIAS Cross-Sectoral Meeting, Potsdam: Assessing the effectiveness of the heat health warning system in preventing mortality in 15 German cities: a difference-in-differences approach
- 7 September 2023, PROCLIAS workshop climate impact attribution, Brussels: The challenge of including adaptation in attribution studies of heat-related mortality
- 14 April 2023, ESC Preventive Cardiology, Malaga, How does heat affect cardiovascular health in the general population?
- 17 November 2022, Workshop Hitzebedingte Übersterblichkeit, Robert-Koch-Institut (remote), Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf beobachtete Trends hitzebedingter Mortalität in deutschen Großstädten
- 9 October 2022, Nephrologie Kongress 2022, Berlin (remote): Hitze, Übersterblichkeit und Nierenerkrankungen
- 8 September 2022, Kongress für Kinder und Jugendmedizin 2022, Düsseldorf, Germany: Kinder im Klimawandel: von Hitzeauswirkungen zu Infektionskrankheiten
- 21 June 2022, Tuesday Seminar, EPI Institute, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany: Attributing heat-related mortality to climate change
- 18 May 2022, ISIMIP/PROCLIAS Meeting, Potsdam, Germany: Being a (climate) scientist in the
unfolding climate crisis
- 12 May 2022, CEIP Huerta Santa Marina, Sevilla, Spain, Charla para padres: Emergencia Climatica
- 25 March 2022, Fridays For Future Action Sevilla, Spain: Apoyo desde la Ciencia
- 17 March 2022, Colegio Calderon de la Barca, Sevilla, Spain: Charla para padres: Emergencia Climatica
- 20 May 2021, ICTP & University of Trento Seminar Series, online: Impact of Climate Change on Heat- and Cold-Related Excess Mortality.
- 20 August 2019, Alpbacher Gesundheitsgespräche, Alpbach, Austria: Gesundheitsrisiko Klimawandel
- 31 January 2019, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain: Impacts of Climate Change on Temperature-Related Mortality in Cities.
- 28 November 2018, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain: ISIMIP Health – Protocol Development.
- 6 February 2018, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain: ISIpedia – research perspectives on temperature-related mortality.
- 5 December 2017, Leopoldina Workshop ‘Climate Science and Health’, Potsdam, Germany: Modelling and projecting climate impacts on human health.
- 29 June 2017, fOrum Sevilla, Spain: Vom arktischen Eisschwund zur Hitze Sevillas – Klimawandel weltweit und vor Ort.
- 6 February 2017, Visit ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain: Towards More Integrative Modelling of Climate Impacts on Human Health.
- 23 June 2016, ISIMIP cross-sectoral workshop, Potsdam, Germany: Cold and Heat Related Mortality – Are Impacts Of Global Warming Instantaneous?
- 3 February 2016, ECCET seminar, JRC-Sevilla, Spain: Climate Change Impacts on Human Health: Revisiting Estimates of Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality in FUND
- 28 October 2015, ISIMIP cross-setoral workshop, Zürich, Switzerland: ISIMIP Health Sector – Past and Ongoing Activities
- 10 April 2014, ECCET seminar, JRC-Sevilla, Spain: Climate Impacts Research – Beyond Patchwork
- 28 October 2013, Dunkelkonzert, Potsdam, Germany: Mensch und Klimawandel – Eine seltsame Schleife?
- 28 May 2013, Impacts World Conference, Potsdam, Germany: The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP)
- 6-7 February 2012, ISIMIP Fast Track, Kickoff Workshop, PIK, Potsdam, Germany.
- 14 December 2011, PIK Research Days: Adressing the Adaptation Myth
- 20 October 2011, 5th IJP Alumni Conference, Berlin, Germany: Climate Change or Changing Climates? The Struggle for Scientific Evidence
- 26 September 2011, Hertie School of Governance, Seminar Claudia Kemfert, Berlin, Germany: Climate Skepticism Arguments: What Is Science? What Is Fiction? Motivation: Who profits? Who pays?
- 22 September 2011, International Diplomats Programme, Potsdam, Germany: From Temperature Rise to Tipping Points – Fundamentals of Climate Science
- 24 June 2011, PIK visit Representatives Daimler Crysler, Potsdam: 2°C – Grenze und einige grundlegende Eigenschaften des Klimasystems
- 4 May 2011, Chlorophyll Workshop, PIK, Potsdam: Climate Impacts on Ocean Phytoplankton Learning from Lakes
- 3 February 2011, Seminar Geographical Economics and Climate Change, TU Berlin, Germany: Skeptical Climate Science: on trends, solar influences, and climate sensitivity
- 27 October 2010, PIK PhD Days: The Discovery of Global Warming – Knut Ångström‘s Absorption Experiments
- 23 October 2010, Klima-Seminar der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Märkisches Gildehaus Caputh, Germany: Klimazukunft – Was wissen wir ? Welche Handlungsoptionen gibt es?
- 26 July 2010, Transatlantic Climate Bridge, Climate and Energy Workshop Series, Representative of German Industry and Trade, Washington, DC, USA: State of Climate Science & Seven Cardinal Innovations
- 11 March 2010, Training Young Diplomats from Kosovo, PIK, Potsdam, Germany: Climate Change Science Update: On Weather, 2 Degrees, and Tipping Elements
- 12 January 2010, Fortbildung Offiziersanwärter Bundeswehr, Europäische Akademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Waren (Müritz), Germany: Kopenhagen Diagnose
- 7 April 2009, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, PIK, Potsdam, Germany: Sicherheitsrisiko Klimawandel
- 4 December 2009, Guest lecture, Student seminar, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany: 2°C-Grenze der globalen Erwärmung – Warum und Wie?