
Why climate activism?

Stolberg close to my home town Aachen in Germany after extreme rainfall and floods in July 2021

Having worked in the field of climate impact research for the past 20 years, it is heart-breaking to see many of the predictions of early climate science come true. Climatic extreme events are increasingly wreaking havoc all around the world, threatening human health and well-being. Without a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels it will only get worse.

I have personally come to the conclusion that scientists who know what is at stake have the duty to step out of their purely academic circles and get civically involved, ranging from giving public speeches to engaging in actions of civil disobedience.

I also consider part of my activism my decision to sharply cut back on the number of flights I take. I have started going by train, even from Sevilla to Germany, and as far as the EGU Meeting in Vienna.

Examples of my own involvement in climate activism

Since its beginning in 2018 I have supported Fridays For Future by participating in their demonstrations and performance actions, which have taken place in Sevilla. At the global day of climate action in March 2022, I gave a short support statement that you can read here (in Spanish).

In early 2023, I was part of a small group of activists and scientists who protested outside of the private jet terminal of Sevilla airport, pointing to the emission intensive lifestyle of the very richest of society. Similar actions took place simultanously in 11 countries, coordinated by Stay Grounded within their campaign Make them Pay.

As part of an internationally coordinated action in spring 2023, scientists blindfolded statues in more than 15 countries, demanding governments to stop closing their eyes to the reality of the climate emergency and to take bold actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions. With another member of Scientist Rebellion we blindfolded a famous statue overlooking Plaza de España in Sevilla.

In May 2023, I participated in another action by Scientist Rebellion. Our main demand was the protection of Doñana National Park just like protection is ensured for other World heritage sites. Our demands translate into improved water management, alongside decarbonization at unprecedented speed.